Chrome 121 Broke My CSS By Adopting New Scrollbar Properties

Recently, in version 121, Chrome started supporting CSS Scrollbar properties `scrollbar-color` and `scrollbar-width` and it broke my CSS. Here's what happened and how I fixed it. [...]

How to vendor prefix and minify CSS?

Writing CSS from scratch along with adding vendor prefixes can be a daunting task if done manually. Vendor-prefixes can be easily added using the autoprefixer plugin of PostCSS. [...]

How to compile SASS into CSS and watch for changes?

SASS extends CSS which means that you can have all the features of CSS plus the features of SASS just like a cherry on top of a cake! [...]

Skeleton Loading for Social Media Embeds using CSS and JavaScript 🔥

Social media embeds take some time to load and render, hence the user experience is not so good! Here's an example of twitter embeds.. [...]

Dark mode toggle animation using CSS!

This tutorial will mainly focus on how to use transitions in CSS and make a toggle button for light as well as dark mode using little JavaScript. Let's dive into the world of transitions! [...]

How to create a notification badge with CSS?

Notification badges annoy me most of the times by popping up every now and then and I am pretty sure most of you experience similar thing, but anyways, let's see how we can create a notification badge using CSS. [...]